Friday, December 11, 2009

Colon Infection Dog My Dog Died, How Do I Get Over The Guilt?

My dog died, how do I get over the guilt? - colon infection dog

I had had a dog Mill Rescue (Malta) for 2 years 9, as I assumed. became ill 2 weeks ago has raised a lot of the 1 Day, not eat, drink, took her to the vet after 24 hours. Blood electrolytes was blocked, but nothing showed in the radiograph. Veterinarian wanted to be conservative and not exploratory surgery if necessary, because it was old, had a heart murmur, so he spent 5 days before returning home once he was re-hydrated and antibiotic-Vet wanted to eat in their own environment. She has to eat much at all, though, so 2 days later I took it back. 2. Blood testing revealed an infection early and thus had no choice but to make the surgery the next day. His heart stopped during surgery, and FP is a partial obstruction of a piece of foam. He showed me, I do not know where he got them. This is not a toy ..... does not appear on the radiograph that had absorbed liquid.

I feel bad. It was almost 12 days since the day he began to act sick until he died in surgery, II am not in terrible pain the whole time. The couple 1st Days to act very uncomfortable, nervous and once or twice a groan, but once she grabbed veterinarian, who seemed much less active and sleep. He drank water and he was more alert than I had expected. I was hoping that they are not too distracting, but for a piece of foam in your system for so long, it would be painful? The vet said that the rubber had been moving through the intestines, and almost all were ordered to stand 2 inches before the colon. I do not want terrible pain for 12 days at a stretch without a break ....... suffered

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